So like everyone else on pinterest I have discovered the potential of mason jars. I decided I was going to try tinting them. Since this was going to be an experiment I went to my local thrift shop and picked up 4 small jars.
I bought some glass paint at Michael’s. I bought two colors and mixed it together. The blue was a little darker than I wanted to I picked up a white with glitter to mix for added sparkle. Who doesn’t like sparkle right?
I followed the instructions on the paint. I painted two coats waiting at least an hour between coats. Then as per instructions wait 4 days for the paint to dry. Once the long wait was over, I put them into a cool oven, turned it to 275. Once it reached 275 they baked for 30 minutes, and then cooled in the oven.
They turned out pretty considering I had no idea what I was really doing. :)
finished 2finished 1
I am going to find some pretty ribbon for the top of the jar then will put some candles in them.