Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lego Mini Figure Storage

Hello Hello!!

I am sharing with you all a project I made for my son. He is really into Legos. He has some mini figures that he wanted to display in a safe place. 

So began the search for the perfect display case. I knew I would eventually find something that would work that wouldn't cost a lot. I suffer from a severe case of frugalitis. Paying retail just kills me. I love buying clearance or second hand items. That being said you can find me at a thrift shop or stalking the back end caps at Target.

So back on track here, while out thrift shopping with my mom one day she spotted the perfect display case. Okay, so it wasn't perfect as is, but it would be perfect after a little TLC.

So this is where it got interesting. I knew this wood finish wouldn't match his room. He has a gray, black and red room. So I busted out some sand paper. 

I absolutely positively do not like sanding by hand. To make matters worse, those little shelves...they did not come out. So it seemed like I was sanding FOREVER. First with an 80 grit paper followed by a 120.

Once the sanding was behind me the fun began. Spray paint. I like spray paint. 

Couple coats in a lovely red color and BAM!!! Perfect display case.

I encourage everyone to look past the old and the yucky. There is potential in everything. 

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