Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 5 and Day 6 remodel progress

I am just going to start off by saying that I am ready for this to be over.

Day 5 was supposed to be plumbing day; however, the plumbers thought they found a crack but didn't have their jack hammer to break out some concrete to look further. So that ended day 5.

Today is Day 6. Plumbers are here and there is no crack! Drywall is being hung and progress is being made. I will update tomorrow on everything that was accomplished.

On a negative note, we had our furniture in a storage pod out front. With the rain we had, we decided to inspect the furniture. One corner of the pod leaked....right onto my 1916 Edison disc phonograph! We have a professional coming to look at it today to assess the damage. UGH!

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