Friday, October 17, 2014

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile!!

Hey everyone. I apologize for not having anything new to post. We spent a week in California with the kids and now I am down with some serious hip pain. For anyone who suffers any kind of hip pain, I am so sorry. It is the worst. Walking becomes next to impossible and prescription pain medication does not help.

So between vacation and hip pain I haven't been able to craft in two weeks. I am so behind on my house work that it will probably be another week before I can get back into the swing of things.

I have some awesome projects lined up too. I have an adorable bench I picked up at a yard sale that is bare wood! All it needs is some sanding and staining!

I also have a vintage milk can, two cable spools, and a desk that needs redone.

The weather is perfect now. We are only reaching 90 degrees now so once I am fully functioning again, I should be able to crank these projects out with no risk of heat stroke!!

We are also about to enter the baking season. I can't wait to share with you recipes and pictures! If you like cheesecake then stay tuned because I make killer cheesecakes!

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