Saturday, January 10, 2015

Remodel day 2

Day 2 was so very loud. It started off with what they thought was just the demo of a  basic wall. This was for the extension of our pantry by combining our laundry room with the pantry. They break through the drywall and find that there is a full on slump block wall behind 4" of framing. The poor guy sat there with a sledge hammer for what seemed like forever! We didn't know there was block wall back there because it was framed up on both sides. So loud. They also closed up an exterior door that was off our laundry room. I guess it is important to share that several previous owners ago the addition was used as a hair salon. The addition is now our master with private exit which is right across from the laundry exit. Great progress today. The good news is that they fixed my door bell that hasn't worked since we moved in.

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